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Vianna Auá

J A N U A R Y   2 0 2 1


Occasional Art

Vianna Auá << Composer in general terms >>


Also titled: Vianna or Filipe Reis Vianna; he finally added the word 'auá', from the Tupi-Guarani language: man, woman, people, Indian. As a way of citing the Brazilian Indian who was and is in many ways marginalized; and suffers from racism in Brazil, from so many forms of moral and physical violence. Identifying himself as an Indian. Vianna Auá, does not want to be called a nationalist, in a country where there are so many forms of inequality, a country that does not deserve our pride. Graduated in Music by FASC - Faculdade Santa Cecília, in Pindamonhangaba, SP, Brazil. In addition to being a musician, writer and painter; develops an idea of art that strives for the time of existence, which he calls Occasional Art. In addition to several other theories. As for the existence and non-return of existence, some of his works and life have no return of type and application and are of differentiated form and type. The collection of music and hand-painted paintings has no pattern and is unique. In this way they are authentic and unparalleled manifestations. Present the existence and differential technique of each one for the other form. Portrayal of the moment and thought: present, past and future. Exclusive and differentiated works with different thoughts.

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